Vacation time! This is the time to start searching the web for a place to spend your one precious week off, free from all the stress of an average day of work. As soon as you find the perfect place to visit, you need to find the perfect place to stay. Usually, you end up in an overpriced snooty hotel where you are forced to pay for all the pools and gyms and saunas you don’t need. You spend the day out with your kids, going to all the kiddie theme parks and circuses, and of course stopping at all the shops with anything remotely interesting in them and having to listen to “Mommy, I want ice cream!” or “Ooh, ooh, ooh Dad! I have to have that or I’ll die!” all day long. When you come back to the hotel, completely exhausted from your day of “fun”, you find a nice long bill waiting for you. There is another way to have a good vacation, you know.
Renting a cottage is one of the easiest, cheapest, most personal vacations ever. No one needs to waste money on a hotel they don’t spend any time at, when staying at a cottage is the vacation. No hassle, no stress. This is the easiest vacation destination. No need to go out to eat food you've never heard of when you've got a kitchen at home to cook your favourite meals. No need to get all dressed up only to eat food. In an Ontarian cottage you can eat in the privacy of your own cottage, where no one cares how you look.
Another great thing about cottages is that there's endless nature fun. If you're a big nature buff, you’ll love staying in a cottage. You'll be as close to nature as when you're camping, just with more agreeable accommodations. Ontario has four of the Great Lakes located within driving distance of all the major cities. This is very convenient for all who love fishing, hunting, kayaking, boating, and swimming. Your family will want to go to the beach.
There are some very nice beaches in Canada. Some great examples of Ontario beaches would be Wasaga Beach, Sandbanks, Grand Bend and Sauble Beach. Other great Canadian beaches are Boughton Island Beach, Pammure Island and Basin Head in PEI, Martinique beach and Heather Beach in Nova Scotia, Windmill Bight beach and Northside Beach and Pasadena Beach in Newfoundland, Shediac Beach in New Brunswick, Great whale River beach in Quebec, Grand Beach in Manitoba, and Long Beach in British Columbia.
Beaches are a great way to spend the day with your family. There's something for everyone to do. The kids can swim and make sand castles, while you can lie there enjoying the peace and quiet.
As you now should see, there are many great things to be had from visiting an Ontarian cottage. Being close to nature, paying less for more, and having that moment to yourself you've been longing for are only some of the great attributes to cottages. So remember to go on Rent Cottage Canada to find the cottage of your dreams.
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